Traditional Restaurant • Paris
Traditional Restaurant • Paris
First and only Ukrainian cuisine restaurant in Paris open since July 1, 2021.
All our dishes are prepared every day on site with lots of love!
In a simple and refined style, discover the authenticity of Ukrainian cuisine without gastronomic pretension.
Langue de bœuf marinée, servie avec champignons et oignons marinés.
Marinated beef tongue, served with marinated mushrooms and onions.
Маринований телячий язик, подається з маринованими грибами та цибулею.
Hareng frais, mariné servi avec des oignons et pommes de terre sautées.
Fresh, marinated herring served with onions and fried potatoes.
Маринований оселедець подається з цибулею та смаженою картоплею.
Traditional cuisine, Fresh products, Homemade
Traditional Restaurant
Private Hire, Air Conditioning, Wi-fi
Apple Pay, Contactless Payment, Eurocard/Mastercard, Restaurant Vouchers, Cash, Visa, American Express, Debit Card
12:00 - 14:30 • 19:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 16:00 • 18:00 - 22:00
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